
Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Molai's Kathoni My English book Six Standard 6th English

Molai's Kathoni

Click here to see Questions and answers on YoutubeMolai's Kathoni 

1. Underline the words you find difficult in the story :

(a) Try to guess their meaning from the context.

(b) List 10 of the words you find difficult. Look them up in a dictionary. Present the

meanings in the classroom.

(c) Form groups of 5-8. Compare the lists of difficult words and their meanings. 

List the words whose meanings are not clear to the group and ask for your teacher’s help. 

2. Find answers to the following questions from the passage :

1) What terrible sight did young Molai see? (paragraph 2)

 - Molai saw thousands of snakes lay dead on one of the sandbars. They had been washed ashore with the flood. With no trees to protect them, they had all died in the scaling sun. Molai was horrified by this sight.

-(2) What did many of the Forest Department people and village elders advise? (paragraph 4)

-Many of the Forest Department people and village elders advised Molai not to waste time because nothing grows on sandbars.

(3) What trees did Molai plant at the beginning? (paragraph 4)

- In the beginning, Molai planted bamboo plants.

(4) Apart from the saplings, what else did Molai carry to the island? (paragraph 5 and 6)

- Apart from saplings Molai carried fertile soil, red ants, and different type of grasses.

(5) What other things came to the island with the trees? (paragraph 8)

- With trees came birds, insects, and animals. Unknowingly, they brought many more seeds to the place. The place began to get rich with different forms of life.

(6) How much area does Molai Kathoni cover today? (paragraph 9)

- Today Molai's Kathoni covers an area of 1500 acres.

(7) What do the elephant visits show? (paragraph 9)

- The elephant visits show that the whole forest is in very good health.

(8) What hardships did Molai suffer on the island? (paragraph 10)

- Apart from the hardships Molai had to suffer on the island - working there in heavy rains and scorching heat - he had to face opposition from the people, too. He never thought of ‘stealing’ from his forest, but others did. He had to guard his island against poachers.

(9) What did the elephants destroy? (paragraph 11)

- Elephants destroyed the rice fields and huts - even Molai’s own hut was destroyed.

(10) What does Molai keep for his own living? (paragraph 12)

- Molai keeps cattle for his own living.

(11) What is Molai’s message to the world? (paragraph 14)

-Molai's message to the world is - each one of us should plant and grow at least two trees. 

Q Now, number the paragraphs in the passage.

Against each of the questions above, write the number of the paragraph  in which you found the answer.


Against each paragraph, write the number/s of the questions based on it.

3. Write short notes on the following.

1. The Brahmaputra

- The Brahmaputra is a great river. In places, it is more than 7-8 kilometers wide. It has many sandbars and even an island known as Majuli island. Waters of the Brahmaputra often flood Majuli and the sandbars. At times, the river even sweeps away some of the sandbars.

2.  Molai's Kathoni -

'Molai's forest' means 'Molai Kathoni'. This forest has grown on the sandbars of Brahmaputra. He did it single-handedly. Today Molai's Kathoni covers an area of 1500 acres. It shelters thousands of birds and animals like deer and tigers, even a group of hundred elephants visit the forest every year.

3. Elephants come to Molai's Kathoni -

 A herd of about a hundred elephants has started visiting the forest every year. They stay there for about three months. The elephant visits show that the whole forest is in very good health. Molai is a happy man today. 

4. The world comes to know about Molai 's Kathoni

One day, a photographer roaming in that area found Molai working in his forest and guarding it. When he came to know that Molai had grown the forest single-handedly, he was greatly impressed. He told the media - newspapers, TV channels, etc - about Molai’s single-handed achievement. The Forest Department was impressed, too. They decided to help Molai in his work. The Government honoured him with the Padma Shri award. 

4. Copy the quotations from Jadav Payeng (Molai) in good handwriting and display them in your classroom.

Without trees, we will all suffer and die.

I will go on planting trees till there is life in my body.

Man knows how to cut a tree - not how to plant it, grow it.

5. Prepare posters on ‘Plant at least two trees each !’

6. Find the names and locations of at least 10 different trees in your surroundings.

Write one or two lines about each of them.

- There are different types of trees found in our area. Some of them are -

Mango tree - The mango tree is found in our area. It is a very useful tree as it gives sweet fruit called mango. The mango is the king of all fruits. The wood and the leaves are very useful in our life.

Neem tree - The neem tree is a medicinal plant. Nearly every part of this tree is used in making medicines in Ayurveda. 

7. Imagine the following situations and write simple speeches or dialogues with the help

of the passage. (Any 2.)

(a) Molai talks to himself after he sees the dead snakes.

- 'How terrible this site this is!' Alas, this is the worst day in my life to see these innocent snakes die in this scaling sun. Who is responsible for all this, humans and no one else. they cut the trees for their benefit and all creatures are punished like this. today I take the oath to make all these sandbars to make green with trees, this will be the mission of my life. 

(b) Molai talks to the forest department people about his wish.

Molai - Good morning everyone. Good morning sir.

Department Officer -Good morning, Molai. We heard that you are going to plant trees on the sandbars. 

Molai - You heard it right. 

Department Officer - Molai will be the waste of time only. you know that nothing grows on the sandbars.

Molai - Sir, I know that. But still, I believe that I will get some trees that will take root in this infertile soil. and I will give my best to grow trees in this barren land.

Department Officer - Molai you are very brave to start such a difficult task. All the best for your work. If you want any help do come to us we are always ready to help you.

(c) Molai talks to his village elders about his wish.

(d) Molai’s friends advise him about growing plants on the island.

(e) The villagers quarrel with Molai about the elephants.

(f) Molai’s family tells him they support him.

(g) Molai talks to the trees and plants in the forest.

(h) The photographer tells the media (reporters) about Molai.


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