
Monday, 27 July 2020

The Fun they Had, (English Workshop, Part I) with Margin Question, class 9th English.

The Fun They Had, warming up! MarginQuestions.

 Watch on youtube- Click here -  The Fun They Had English Workshop part 1

                                                         The Fun They Had English Workshop part 2


Warming up!       

  1)  What do you like best about your school?

Ø I like the atmosphere of my school where we get a good quality of education, knowledge, and values.

     I like being with my friends and having a lot of fun.


     I like the big playground, well-equipped laboratory and the library with a treasure of knowledge.

2)   Do you think school is fun?
Ø Yes, it is.

 Which is the part that you don’t like?
Ø There is nothing in my school which I don’t like.

Ø I like everything about my school.

4)   How often should the teacher give you a test?
Ø The teacher should give us test regularly after the new topic is completed and understood by all the students.


Margin questions –

1.    Can you think of any devices/objects that came into use in the recent past but are now outdated?

 Find an example of outdated devices/ words from the list given here.   

Ø Floppy disks, windmills, mortar and pestle, Cassettes, earthen stoves

 Think of other examples on your own. 

  Ø Typewriters, phone booths, and telephone directory, films used in the camera for photography, fax machines, slide projectors, pagers, Walkman, CD players, etc.  are some devices used in the recent past but today they are outdated.

 2.    When does the story take place?

     Ø  The story takes place, in the future, in the year 2157.


 3.    What does Margie mean by ‘a real book’?

      Ø    A real book is the book where the printed on the paper and pages are bound together.


4.    Margie and Tommy use ‘telebooks’. What are they like?

  Ø Telebooks are the books that show text on the television screen.


 5.    Margie uses a diary. What would it be like?

  Ø Margie’s diary would be like an i-pad device of the future.

 6.    What do we understand by the words,’ took the teacher apart?

  Ø The words took the teacher apart means the mechanical teacher (the television screen like device)       was separated into parts and taken away to repair it.

 7.    Which part of the machine did Margie hate most?

  Ø The part Margie hated most was the slot where she had to submit her homework and test.


 8.    What fault did the Inspector repair?

  Ø The Inspector repaired the geography sector, which was geared a little too quick.

 9.   What is Margie like as a student-bright, average or below average?

  Ø Margie is like an average student.


 10.   Do you think the school described in the ‘book’ existed   

         centuries ago?

  Ø No, because the school described in the ‘book’ exists now in the 21st century. But the story takes place in the future, in the 22nd century; they think that book as the book of olden times.


11.   Do you think Tommy likes the school in the olden days?

  Ø I think Tommy likes the school in the olden days because he tells many things about the school of the past to Margie. This shows that he has got a lot of information about the school in the book.


 12.  Is Tommy Margie’s brother or friend?

               Find the sentences that help you to decide that.

  Ø Following line shows that Tommy is Margie’s friend-

 ‘He walked away whistling, the dusty old book tucked beneath his arm’.


  13. Would you like your own mechanical teacher?

-     Ø  No, I would like to learn everything from a human teacher only.


14.    Do you agree with Margie?

-     Ø Yes, I agree with Margie because there is no fun in sitting in front of a machine

             for studies and learning from the machine. On the other hand, a human teacher can

             understand all the students.


  1. Very useful please send English workshop 2nd part


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