
Monday, 23 December 2019

3.5 Great Scientists 9th English Workshop

3.5 Great Scientists

Warming up!

1.      What would you like to learn about in your Science period?
Answer - I would like to learn about galaxy and stars, and want to explore the
           the world beyond the earth.
           I would like to learn about the robotics and artificial intelligence.

2.      Have you ever tried to do an experiment on your own?
            If yes, tell me about it
            If no, tell me why you’ve never tried.

Answer – Yes, I have tried an experiment of photosynthesis. And I try many
                 simple experiments under the guidance of my teachers.

3.      What would you like to learn about in your English classes?

Answer - I would like to learn poems on different topics, life stories of great people.
                 And in grammar, I would love to learn variety sentence constructions.  

(a) Think of as many examples of the following as you can within five minutes
      and write them in the appropriate column.

Type of machine


Simple machines that are
operated by hand

Hand pump, scissors, knife, sharpener, tools used for gardening,

Machines that run on

Iron, mixer grinder, washing machine, air conditioner, electric bulb etc

Electronic devices

Mobile, Computer, Tab, Television,

 (b) Write as many uses of the following as you can. Form groups of four.
      Compare your lists. Make a long list by putting together the lists of all members.

(a) A cloth bag – a cloth bag can be used to bring the grocery, some rough material and most importantly to avoid plastic pollution

(b) a wicker basket -  to keep and carry flowers, can be used as a picnic basket,
                        for keeping fruits and vegetables,  to give something (gifts)
                        to our loved ones, towel holder and it can be used for so many  
                        things as a holder.

 c) a glass bottle or jar –
bottles are used to keep liquids like water, juices or some medicines some soft
cold drinks whereas jars are used in the kitchen to
 keep some pickles or spices in it.                
(d) a steel bowl –
     it is used to keep cooked vegetables, to fry and boil many food items.
(e) a thick string or rope
     it is used to tie something and can be used to pull and support many things.


1. What were the odds against Faraday in his childhood?
Ø Faraday was born into a very poor family. He suffered from a
          speech defect as a child. He could not complete his formal education.
         At thirteen he started working as a bookbinder.

2. Why do you think Faraday’s friend gave him a free ticket to Davy’s
Ø Faraday’s friend gave him a free ticket to Davy’s program
           because he knew Faradays love towards science and scientific things.

3. What was the subject of Davy’s lecture?
Ø Davy’s lecture was about chemicals and electrical lighting and there
          was a conversation among the scientists of that age.

4. What actions and thoughts of Faraday show that he was inspired by Davy?
Ø  Faraday was spellbound by Davy’s lecture. He took notes about the ‘mysterious force of electric fluid’. He was so engrossed in the lecture that he forgot to applaud. His notes were, so comprehensive that he bound them into a book, meaning to gift it to Davy someday. Faraday decided to be a great scientist. Davy became his role model.
          Faraday thought it would be wonderful if Davy became his mentor,                    
          but Davy did not agree. Faraday was not dejected; he just kept      

5. Why did Davy choose Faraday as his secretary?
Ø Davy’s was temporarily blinded because of a chemical explosion inside the lab. He needed an assistant to help him. He was reminded of Faraday and decided to hire him as his secretary.

 6. Was Davy fair in his treatment of Faraday?
Ø No, Davy was not fair in his treatment of Faraday. Davy never believed Faraday could do anything in the field of science going by his social status and education. He, therefore, dismissed Faraday’s aspirations and advised him to stick to bookbinding

 7. How did Faraday respond to that treatment?
Ø Faraday worked day and night and learnt as much as he could about Davy’s experiments. Soon Faraday became indispensable to Davy and was promoted to his lab assistant. This was his first step towards a scientific career.

8. What happens when an electric current is applied to a wire?
Ø When an electric current is applied to a wire it passes through  
         it. And it makes the devices like fan, light or other electronic              
        devices to run on that current.

9. An induction motor is a commonly used electrical machine.
What examples of its use are given here?

Ø  Fans, air conditioning, sewing machines, photographs, power
           tools, cars and even trains and aeroplane engines

Give one example each to show that

Faraday was a good pupil.

Ø  Though Faraday had no social status, little education and without money, he had the passion and love towards science and its fantasies. Though he was rejected by Humphry Davey he was not disappointed. He didn’t give up. Even when as lab assistance he swept the lab for the love of science, and learnt many things on his own. He invented the induction motor, which was a difficult task for Davy.
      When Davy gave him an impossible task of The bavarian glass he honestly worked over it. He learnt from his failures and always strived for progress.

Davy was not a good mentor –
Ø  Davy didn’t think Faraday will do anything in the field of science because of his status and education. When Faraday became his assistance. He didn’t guide him.
            The induction motor spurred a revolution, which was born out of mockery directed     
            at Faraday by Davy. Davy always remained jealous towards Faraday. He gave   
            Faraday some impossible task.

Ø Write the idea behind an electrical generator.

Ø Why were Faraday’s drawings not accepted?  Does it mean they were wrong?
         Faraday wanted to prove that sprinkling iron filings on a sheet
        of paper near a magnet, making circular patterns were not a property
        of the iron filings. This is where his lack of formal education
         went against him. Faraday did not know much about
         advanced mathematics, so he just copied the iron filing
         patterns with his hand. He was unable to explain them in the
         form of mathematical equations. He made hundreds of such
        drawings but without equations, they were not accepted.


1. Write what is implied in the following sentences.

(a)   But few know his inspirational life story, which is
            all about courage and fighting against the odds.
           (What does it tell you about Faraday’s life?)

Answer - The whole world knows about the success story of Faraday.
But a very few know the struggle behind it. From his childhood he had
difficulties and problems but he did not give up. He could not complete his
 education, he was very poor, he worked as a bookbinder, he was talented
 person in science but did not get a chance to have a good mentor, and when he
 got one he didn’t accept him as his student. He envied him. But Faraday
didn’t mind it, he went on learning things which were very helpful to him in future.

(b)   Even then Davy did not have much hope for Faraday.
           (What do the words ‘even then’ suggest?)
Davy never believed Faraday could do anything in the field of science. Because he had no education, no social status and no money. Faraday did many of Davy’s experiments and became indispensable to Davy but still, he got the work of sweeping and cleaning only. The words ‘even though’ suggest that though Faraday learnt many things he was not accepted as a learner of science by Davy.

(c)    People started telling Davy that of all his discoveries, the best was Faraday himself.
            (What does it suggest about Davy’s work?)
Answer -  Davy was very famous because of his work in the field of science. He invented many things and gave many theories to the world of science. But the invention of the induction motor and its inventor Faraday gave many useful things to the world. People thought that Faraday was the best discovery of Davy because he gave many things to the world.

2. Break the passage into convenient smaller sections. Give sub-headings or titles to each section.

We can give some titles to the sections as
·         Faraday’s childhood
·         Faraday as a bookbinder
·         A  turning point - Davy’s lecture
·         Induction motor
·         Davy’s jealousy
·         Faraday as a complete scientist

3. List the different gadgets and instruments mentioned in the passage. Find more information about at least 3 of them, using the internet.
Gadgets and instruments mentioned in the passage are –
·         light bulb,
·         induction motor
·         Fans,
·         air conditioning,
·         sewing machines,
·         photographs,
·         power tools,
·         cars,
·         trains and aeroplane engines


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