
Thursday, 21 June 2018

English Workshop 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind with questions and answers ( 10th new syllabus, 2018-19)


An Encounter of a Special Kind


1.  State whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. Justify your choice with proper reasons.  

(a)       The compound where the writer was living, rich in nature's bounty.

AnsAgree, because at the beginning of the lesson we get the description of the surrounding area of the writer’s bungalow.  

(b)      Holidays provide us with an opportunity to read various magazines and storybooks.

Ans – Agree, the writer was fond of reading. (We see that in those days reading was the main source of passing time in holidays as well as to learn and experience many things from the books. It was the part of life the then time

(c)       The narrator made a mistake by saving the baby langur.

Ans – Disagree, because the narrator felt compassion for the baby langur and went further to save the baby langur.

(d)      Animals cannot convey emotions.

Ans – Disagree, when the baby langur was saved by the narrator, the mother langur looked straight into the eyes of the narrator showing gratitude to him with the look to convey the message. This bond is everywhere in the world whether they are humans or animals.

(e)       The narrator was fifty-five years old when this incident occurred.

Ans  Disagreethe narrator is 15 years old.

 2.   Match the phrases given in Group ‘A’, with their meanings in Group 'B'.

Group A
Group B

(a) to be a part and parcel of

(i) to observe and give attention
(b) to be engrossed in 

(ii) to be able to solve the problem

(c) to take notice of

(iii) to find comfort and peace

(d) to figure out

(iv) to think about    seriously

(e) to ponder over

(v) to be completely occupied with

(f)  to be overwhelmed by

(vi) to be an essential or  integral part

(g) in a flash

( vii) to be affected emotionally in a powerful way 

(h) to find a solace

( viii) very quickly

Answers -  (a)-vi     (b)-v   (c)-i   (d)-ii   (e)-iv   (f)-vii   (g)-viii    (h)- iii

3. Write in your own words.

A. Why did the narrator ignore the barking dogs?

i) because the writer was engrossed in reading.
ii) he thought that dogs were barking on the hapless pig.

B. Why did the mother langur make no effort to grab her baby from the coop?

i) because the mother langur thought that her baby is safe in the hands of the narrator. (or there was no harm for the baby langur in the hands of the boy)

ii) it was away from the male langur who was trying to assault the baby

4. Read the text carefully and arrange the occurrence or happening in the sequential order

I took the baby langur to the backyard
I cannot forget that look in her eyes.
I heard the disturbance approaching closer
I recalled the terrible custom in the animal clan
I became deeply absorbed in the book
I was engrossed in the various magazines and storybooks

I offered him a peeled banana.

I still fondly remember that encounter

I gathered a stout stick and then started throwing stones.

I saw something horrible.

I was shown that food was not the only means of communication.

I manage to catch hold of the baby langur’s tail.

I allowed the mother, access to her baby.

5. Discuss the following and write about in it in your own words in 5 to 6 lines. (Points are provided below students should make use of those points to write their own answer)

a. What would you do if you find an injured bird while returning from your school?

 I.... would apply first aid, would take it  to the vet(the animals' doctor), would take it to my home and take care till it recovers

b. What opinion do you form about the narrator from the story
I think.....    though small he is a sensitive and caring boy, learns from situations, understands the situation,


 Things to remember -

 When you write personal answers try to write in the same tense or verb in which the question is.
above question a) you can see would is the verb used there  so as in answer we have used would only
in question b) the tense is simple present so in the point also we can see related tense and verbs are used

6. Complete the following and write a paragraph on each of the given activities.

Mother-child relationship

This is just specimen paragraph you can add or skip a few things of your own.

8. Translate the following proverbs in English.

१) जनसेवा हीच खरी ईश्वरसेवा.
→  Service to man is service to God.

२) पेरावे  तसे उगवते.
→  As you sow so shall you reap.

9.  Write a paragraph and give an appropriate title to it. Use the following points.
Birds and animals.                                 Love and affection
Loyal.                                                      Our best friends.
Serve us                                                   Protection and security

kindness, honesty, compassion              Do not hurt or destroy us.

Loneliness avoided

Scientific consideration tells that birds and animals are an integral part of the environment as they form the food chain. 
How can we keep them away from human life? We the humans have very close relations and also encounters with them over a long time of period. They served us directly and indirectly for years and remained loyal to us and loyal to nature also. Some of them became our best friends and remained loyal to us throughout their lives. But humans don't give the same treatment to them, and now the problem has become so grave that there is a question of their existence and the need help from us only.

Though the government has made many strict laws we often see the rules broken. Selfishness has brought them to the verge of extinction. now we the humans must take actions to save them otherwise the next generations will not forgive us.

(Here the readymade paragraph is given. The only intention is to get the idea. Students can use the above points as well as they can add a few things and skip some.)


  1. Very nice blog. Thanks Vinayak sir.

  2. Very nice blog sir thank you it is very useful to me for study thank you very much Sir

  3. vinayak sir please solve to all questions

    please workshop 1.1 solutions

    1. Sir, I can understand what you expect. But if I solve all questions then it will be spoon-feeding for the students.Because some questions are there,where only they have think and write. Otherwise,these blogs will be like digest or guide.

    2. sir pleas give all quations answer plz plz

  4. Replies
    1. Nice
      I'll add this one in my blog

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Its very imp for me thank you so much for this blogs

  6. I want answers of language study on pg no.16
    And thanks for all answers

  7. This blog is very useful. I like it.

  8. I have all subjects question and answer

  9. 10 number question and answer is not

  10. It is very useful
    Give writing skill of
    Letter writing & format as per new syllabus
    You teach only English ??
    Please reply

    1. Yeah I teach only English.

      And I'll post a blog about letter soon
      Thanks for the compliments..

  11. remaining part has been not given

  12. Thankyou so much Sir..!!Your blog is very useful for me and My Friends..!!So Please Keep update new blog for Study..!!🙂

  13. 10numbr question and anwers not All questions tanks

  14. Its so helpful for me thanks sir👍

  15. Not so much help full but good try

  16. Thank you so much sir🤗🤗🤗

  17. This is a very simple to learn sir

  18. Please tell me on of that sir who do this 😎

  19. Learihg the book a side I rushed to the veranda to see what was going on

  20. Ashish �� �� �� ��


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